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Prayer tree leaves: Ukraine

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Dear Lord, I pray for the Ukraine to continue making advances reclaiming their stolen land, for Russia to let go, and depart the Ukraine, for all those who have suffered, and continue to suffer from the effects of this war.

Kathryn, from Manchester

1 year ago

Father help western allies make the right decisions regarding support for Ukraine. As they gather together at NATO with Vlodimir Zelensky may NATO members promise to be true to helping Ukraine in every way to help peace come soon.Amen


1 year ago

Dear Lord and Father, the West needs to be doing a lot more for the Ukraine, would you please give them a reminder to get their act together, not just promising words, but with positive actions. In Jesus Christ’s name.

Kathryn, from Manchester

1 year ago

Heavenly father please be with our brothers and sisters in the Ukraine ..protect them as
lights in the darkness there drawing others unto your light. Help them to be guided and protected by your Holy Spirit . In Jesus'name Amen

Judy, from Garstang

1 year ago

Father be with Ukraine at the NATO Summit in Lithuania. May all the allies be in total agreement to honour Ukraines wish to join. May the allies also be in total agreement to always support Ukraine.Amen


1 year ago

Holy Father, please help the defenders and civilians of the Ukraine to remain focused, adaptable, and strong, to remain cohesive. Give them the courage to undertake the duties required of them. May they seek your help and guidance. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

1 year ago

Father here I am on my knees praying for Ukraine to know peace in their land once more. May they be wise, strong and know Your presence. Please be with them and give them hope. In Jesus name.Amen


1 year ago

Heavenly Father, guide and protect all those supporting the freedom of the Ukraine from Russian terrorist actions. Help them overcome this adversity and have hope and faith for freedom and the future. Please keep them close and safe. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

1 year ago

Father this trouble from Russia the illegal invaders of Ukraine must surely stop right now. It is enough. The hurt and damage and unkindness towards such a good and truth loving sensible nation. Bring them peace.Amen


1 year ago

Merciful God, this war has cost so many civilian lives, including many children, plus those from the Ukrainian forces. Progress is slow, hard, and troubled. Please keep with them and help them to be free from the invaders. In Christ.

Kathryn, from Manchester

1 year ago

Father please help Ukraine in every way possible to defeat the illegal invaders from Russia. Restore the land to the Ukrainians who simply want to live in peace as part of the free world community.In Jesus name.Amen


1 year ago

Most merciful and loving God, thank you for helping the Ukraine. Please continue to help them, the brave men, and women, fighting for freedom, truth, and the reclaiming of their stolen land, not just for themselves but for us all.

Kathryn, from Manchester

1 year ago

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