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Prayer tree leaves: Ukraine

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Dear Lord, please keep the Ukraine and its people safe in your hands, and help them as they try to repel all the invaders. Please help them to have what they need to achieve this task. In Jesus Christ. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

1 year ago

Father in heaven, look down on us as we try to do the will of the Lord on earth. Help us to work harder at being better at it. Stop the Russians killing. Save Ukraine. Amen


1 year ago

Dear Lord, please help the Russians acknowledge the dreadful situation they have created by invading the Ukraine, and cease their warmongering. For the Ukraine to be free to rebuild, and rehome its people. In the name of Jesus Christ.

Kathryn, from Manchester

1 year ago

Father empower Vlodimir Zelensky in his quest through many European countries and today in UK asking for support for Ukraine for the weapons they need to push Russia off Ukraine land. God in Your mercy here our prayers.Amen


1 year ago

Everlasting and loving God, great is your faithfulness to us. Please keep the Ukraine strong and focused in fighting for freedom from Russian oppression. May liberty be theirs, and may they praise and glorify your name. In Jesus Christ.

Kathryn, from Manchester

1 year ago

Father I pray for Ukraine to regain their stolen territory.Help Russia to recognise the wrongdoing that they are committing upon surrounding countries but specifically against Ukraine. Keep Ukraine firmly motivated to remove Russia from their country. Guide them. Amen


1 year ago

Dear Lord, please help the Ukraine in their mission to regain stolen land by Russia. Keep them strong and wise. Help Russians to recognise tyrant leaders and reject them; to be more tolerant of the people neighbouring their country borders.

Kathryn, from Manchester

1 year ago

Father please send inspiration to the brave people of Ukraine. They deserve better and are receiving extreme unkindness from Russia.Father why do we hurt one another. Teach us to love one another. Change Russia to become good now.Amen


1 year ago

Father God, thank you for hearing my prayer. Please continue helping the Ukraine to send the invaders home. Help them not to become complacent in their tasks for they still have a long way to go for their country’s freedom.

Kathryn, from Manchester

1 year ago

Father may the peace and freedom loving nations of the world come together to support Ukraine and with the power of God behind them turn away the evildoing that is happening in Russia. Help us in Gods name.Amen.


1 year ago

Lord God Almighty, please stay with the Ukraine, and help them to achieve a successful outcome. May they sing ‘Glory to God, God Reigns, God save the Ukraine.’ In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

1 year ago

Father we are waiting and waiting for the power of God to come to the aid of all that is so good and truthful in Ukraine today as they stand up against the Russian war . Give Ukraine guidance.Amen


1 year ago

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