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Megan's story

Real-life stories from The Bible Series 

Everyone has a story to tell and everyone has big questions to ask. Check out these real-life stories from people who have had their lives impacted through the Bible. 

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Megan’s Story

Megan grew up going to church but when she was seventeen she decided to do her own thing. She was involved in a serious car crash and sustained life-threatening injuries. Her parents were told that she might not wake up and warned they should say goodbye to her. Whilst Megan was in intensive care, she experienced the presence and love of God as Christians across the world were praying for her total healing. 

Are you ready to experience a better story? 

Megan’s story is part of the many free resources available for churches and church leaders that are available through The Bible Series.  

Whether you are meeting online or in your church building, The Bible Series features a suite of free resources such as sermon messages, testimony films, Scripture reading videos, exclusive children’s and youth resources and a spoken word series.

Over seven weeks, The Bible Series introduces people to the overall story of the Bible. Each week touches on key themes and relates them to universal human needs and questions.

Share this with your church and let’s all experience a better story.

More real life stories

Simon's story

Simon’s dad was murdered when he was just eight years old. Throughout Simon’s early teens and twenties, he was very angry and violent, and was getting into lots of trouble. When Simon met his wife, his father-in-law provided him with a solid spiritual foundation and after reading the Bible, he came to realise that God is his father who will never leave him. 

Raj’s story 

Raj had a difficult childhood as her parents treated her poorly compared to her siblings. This resulted in her feeling unloved and rejected so she ran away from home at the age of 18. She started to rebel and was going off the rails. This all changed when a Christian stepped into her life and showed her unconditional love.

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