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Share your prayers for healing

Your prayers for healing

Hear our prayer for healing Lord. In your mercy bless us with your healing power. Give us the confidence to cope with the future.
Lord we ask that you hold us in your loving arms and give us strength and courage.
Grant us Peace.

Kathryn, from Oxfordshire

Prayers needed please for things that just won't heal

Elizabeth, from Essex

Father Lord, may you heal my body so that allergies will not hit me, protect my thyroid gland against EBV attack, energies me everyday so that I can work for you and glorify your name in every way I do. Amen!

Grace, from london

Mental stress suffered by Nathan; Anxiety in daily work and relationships, for Jim; work of Walsingham; for the Lusitanian Church of Portugal


For my sister that her broken mind will be healed, For both of us that our broken relationship will be restored. That she will accept Jesus as her saviour.

Susan, from Dorset

My son Paul has lost two of his sons ( my grandsons) They both took their own lives, Jake was 18 and Matty 19. Paul is living in a damp campervan - he has mental health issues, and will not accept help. Many people are praying for him. I ask for your prayers too please

Beryl, from Whitby

May the world be free of diseases and war. Let there be compassion and peace. May the Earth's inhabitants overcome self-centredness and discrimination.

Dhriti, from India

For a friend gripped by chronic anxiety which is driving him to drink and possibly worse.

Richard, from Essex

Healing for brother, Gary, and brother-in-law, Tom, for cancer. Both appear to be cancer free right now. Pray for Dottie and Jenny, both suffering severe effects of Covid vaccine. Pray for Tommy, very ill with diabetes. Pray for Joel. Healing in his heart.

Sandra, from USA

Pray that our son may return to us, and that our health will improve.

Daniela, from Wiltshire

Heavenly Father, we approach Your throne of grace, in the name of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus we thank You for Your sacrifice. Holy Spirit, thank You counselling us in prayer. I pray for all, who are in need of your healing touch, mind, body and Spirit. In Your Precious name, Amen..

Janice Charles, from London, England UK

Prayer for healing of beloved daughter - continual up-set tum, + sore knees:

jim, from Moray in Scotland

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