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Share your prayers for healing

Your prayers for healing

I pray for the enduring trust, obedience and belief to wait on the Lord for the healing which I strongly believe He has perfected and only requires that I wait patiently for the manifestation in the physical realm - By His stripes we were healed (1 Peter 2:24). Amen

Abi, from London

Gracious Lord, I pray for all those suffering from depression, anxiety, disappointment, uncertainty: that they will be drawn to Your Word and the grace and power it offers.
May they understand that in accepting your unconditional love they will transform their lives and their future hope.

Rosalind, from Somerset

Heavenly Father
I know how much you love my mother and my daughter. I pray for relief from the pain they suffer on a daily basis . Please heal them and set them free to live active lives again. In Jesus name


Annette, from Kent

Healing after a fall on stairs,lots of pain ,and difficulty in moving about

Albert, from Perth Scotland

I pray my wife’s father who has terminal brain cancer will be eased and helped by the Lord. Any possible time left will be joyful and merciful and he will still have time to enjoy his life for the next couple of years. Amen

Justin, from Surrey

For Sheila who is on end of life care

Lizz, from Lincolnshire

Lord most merciful God I pray for healing on all thos who are suffering from ill health and st this moment I think of my dear friend Cynthiabut all who are suffering form ill health and disability I pray you will heal them in the name of Jesus Christ heal them Amen 🙏

david, from Leicester

Healing for Jean Dereck Arron and David. Also for Peace in the World

Keith, from Lowton

Please pray for my mother , she is loosing her sight slowly. Her mobility is declining and she is becoming dependent on other people.
Please also pray for my children who are missing their father that God will fill the vacuum their father left behind.

Thank you.

Veronica, from Surrey

For the continued healing physically and mentally of my son in law Fred who will be 3 years dry in July. I thank God every day for Fred and how far he has come . Amen x

Kath, from Eat Riding of Yorkshire

Please pray for the infection that I have. I have been unwell since before Christmas and have been unable to attend church meetings and have had to cancel House groups in my home.

Margaret, from Kinross

One of our 12 year old grandson's is autistic, and he has struggled to attend school since October. Please pray that he will learn how to cope with his anxieties and worries. Pray too for his parents, who are themselves very stressed. We have been praying daily and constantly for miracles.

Richard, from Banbury

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