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Share your prayers for healing

Your prayers for healing

Dear Lord please heal her of cancer and restore her hearing, eyesight and mobility, and cause her to really experience your presence and love with her at all times. Thank You Lord.

Karen, from Somerset

Please God, bless my husband and help him recover. Amen

Linda, from Uk

Healing for disabled bedbound husband who also has dementia

June, from Tiptree essex

Please pray for my friend in hospital in Surrey who will undergo serious bowel surgery over this weekend or next week. Also, please pray for another friend here in Cornwall who is elderly and fighting a chest infection and waiting for a call from his GP.

Rosemary, from Cornwall

She has intestine and lower back pain that makes her bed-bound for long periods, insomnia has kept her awake so catches up sleep throughout the day

Sophie, from Camborne

I pray for our dear King Charles, to find rest in the Lord and His peace while he recuperates from cancer treatment and for his complete healing . Amen.

Anthea, from Kemp

Heavenly father, I pray today for the health of Reverend's wife. Please send the Holy Spirit to the Doctors that treat her, to heal her. I also pray for the Reverend at this time, please love and protect them both. Amen.

Pippa, from Norfolk

Father, we pray to you, Jehovah Rapha, our Creator and Healer. As our friend T. is even now undergoing further bowel surgery, may she know your complete healing and recovery.

Rosemary, from Chelmsford

For my sister Valeries salvation, she has been ill for a long time having had a heart transplant her health was stable for some years but is now failing 🙏 thank you

Linda, from Sherborne

His ruptured achilles tendon restructured sfter surgery on Wednesday

Vincent, from Lincolnshire

For Peggy, hovering between life and death for too long, that she will find ultimate healing in God's arms

Kay, from Essex

Pray for my friend who has been struggling for many years with M.E. and migraine. She is so patient and brave, I would love to see real healing and breakthrough in her life.

Joanna, from Lincolnshire

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