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Share your prayers for healing

Your prayers for healing

Lord, you are kind and merciful Father. Isaiah 42.3 says: "A bruised reed he will not break, and a faintly burning wick he will not quench...". Be close to those who are hurting, whether it be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual pain. May your presence bring peace in the midst of grief. Amen.

Emily, from Chessington

Lord, you are kind and merciful Father. Isaiah 42.3 says: "A bruised reed he will not break, and a faintly burning wick he will not quench...". Be close to those who are hurting, whether it be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual pain. May your presence bring peace in the midst of grief. Amen.


Heavenly Father, creator of all things, I ask for healing of the earth. All things come from you and in our carelessness and selfishness, we have exploited that which you have made. Pour your blessings on creation and heal our selfish ways. Amen.

Sarah, from Worcester

Thank you Lord that you care about each one of us. Reach out and heal my wife after unsuccessful surgery and decades of struggling to cope. In all circumstances we trust in you. Amen

Clive, from Bristol

Lord, just peace.Peace now. Peace everywhere. Peace in the forgotten places and the newsworthy places. Peace here. Real peace. Lord, please.

Alison, from Lincoln

Lord Jesus we pray for all those who are suffering as a result of conflict in their homelands.
We pray for your peace to descend on the Middle East , Russia and Ukraine , Myanmar & Sudan.
For the world leaders involved in bringing about a pace settlement we ask your continued blessing.

KEN, from Southend on Sea

God you who is the ancient of days and creator of all, we pray for racial justice and healing in this nation. We are seeing riots in our cities, a cry for justice in our country . We pray for wisdom for our leaders and ask that by your Spirit you provide healing and peace in our land. Amen

Elizabeth, from Oxford, England

Please, Lord, bring comfort and healing for those in Ukraine, Sudan, Nigeria, and Gaza who have lost hope. Bring them the promise of your eternal hope and healing, and do it soon!

Shelagh, from Godalming

I pray for my brother in law who has cancer - Lord, I thank you that you took all our sicknesses upon you when you died on the cross. I pray that you will bring healing and restoration to my brother in law - may all glory go to your holy Name. Amen

Christine, from Hereford

Dear Father God,I pray for repentance in this land and Divine intervention so that hard hearts would turn to Jesus.I also pray for Koran and all those who have been traumatised by ISIS because only YOU can heal their deep wounds.In Jesus’ Name.Amen.

Margaret, from Weston-Super-Mare

May the healing and strengthening touch of the risen Lord Jesus Christ enter powerfully into every part of you, body, mind and soul, heal you of anything that may harm you and give you His peace.

Robin, from Divine Healing team, Larne, Co. Antrim

Our gracious and merciful Lord. We humbly and thankfully give you praise for Open the Book worldwide. May The Word, The Truth and The Way penetrate hardened hearts and melt away bitterness, revenge and self destruction - bring upon your children healing, compassion, mercy and grace.

Janet, from Woking

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