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Share your prayers for healing

Your prayers for healing

We pray for lives changed and hearts open to you. O Lord we pray for such a revival and with the Angels in heaven we will praise your Holy name. Lord into your forever open hands we lift all those who are reaching out to grasp your healing touch, to experience renewal comfort and peace.

Janet, from Woking

Pray to Jesus the Saviour who healed the sick, that He would help me recover from my stroke which happened in December 2023, Please pray that He will be very close to Marilyn my wife as she looks after and supports me. I pray this in His name Amen.

David, from Burton-on-Trent

Please Father, heal my brother of the cancer that’s spread through his body. With a wife and three young children, he has so much still to offer here on earth. He’s such a blessing to so many in the community. Please cleanse and renew him and grant him Your peace and a long and fruitful life

Sally, from North Wales

Dear Lord, I pray for those who suffer from chronic illnesses like my mother who has suffered for many years. I pray for those who care for them also, for strength and resilience. Thank You for Your promise of a heaven with You free from pain and fear. Keep us as we wait on You Lord, Amen.

Abigail, from Bedfordshire

Dear Lord, I thank you for healings received during my life. Please would you heal me of these mini headaches I have been experiencing for some months now.

Di, from Coulsdon

Lord, i pray for all our brothers and sisters in Christ who are facing terrible persecution and violence in their lives. Lord, please protect them and grant them great wisdom to respond to their persecutors and bless them abundly in the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen

Kelvin, from Northern Ireland

Dear Lord I pray for healing for myself from pain due to diverticulitis and other tummy problems.i need to be week to care for my Husband following his heart attack and I thank you for saving him and giving him back to me. I need to be fit to help in junior Church.

Vera, from Uk

Dear Lord, You said "Healing is the children's bread". You were willing to heal all who came to You. I bring you my husband: Please heal him from the effects of stroke and bring new life and wholeness to his body and mind. Thank you for listening. Amen

Linda, from East Midlands

God, help me love the life I live right now. Please show me the good things I often overlook and help me be content with what I have. Forgive me when I compare myself to others, forgive me for longing for things outside of You and Your Kingdom.

Presleigh, from Kentucky

Lord, please heal me of my various pains and health problems, and show me how I can pray for healing in others, and lead them to you. Amen

Cheryl, from Hampshire

Loving Father, thank you for being there for me in my darkest moments. I know you are a healer but even if you do not heal me of this incurable cancer, I am still holding on to my faith. I know that you will give me strength, comfort and hope, when all seem hopeless. I love you Father. Amen.

Joy, from West Midlands, UK

Dear God, U know me well from even when I wasn't born. Please lift up my affliction. Political blockage is impoverishing me. Pls don't let satan reign over me. I know U have the power to do so. I want to have progress in life, God. My happiness depended on Your help. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Anonymous, from Anonymous

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