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Share your prayers for healing

Your prayers for healing

Dear father in heaven I pray for healing and dilevrance for my daughter who have Rheumatoid arthritis for over 40 years now father you have that power to heal the sick and raised the dead so do it now in your name jesus christ Amen and I called it done

Sereta, from Florida

I've fallen prey to false doctrine which held me in captivity. Dear lord heal me to be full recovery and be in tune with you my saviour amen

Christianah, from Ibadan, Nigeria

Dear Heavenly Father be close to Bryan as he recovers from his operation. We thank You that Your guided the hands of the surgeon who performed the operation and now we that pray that You will speed his recovery. In the name of Him who is our Saviour Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen

David, from Burton-on-Trent

Dear Father in heaven. Please release May from the mental anguish that he has been suffering with over 40 years. His treatment in the MH system has abused him and tortured him. Whatever the plan is for him now he fails to have any hope for a brighter future. Please heal him Amen

Mat, from Monmouthshire

Lord I'm so tired, my eyes are heavy. You felt these things too; you knew tiredness, loneliness, hunger, pain, heaviness of mind, body and spirit. Lord I'm so tired. Thank you that you NEVER tire of me. Amen

Janet, from Aylesbury

Father, please draw near to my friend H who has suffered a massive injustice. Lighten her darkness, bring healing and restore the years the locusts have eaten. In your name. Amen.

Laura, from Cheltenham

Loving God heal the sick, sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, mobility to the paralysed, comfort to the sad,
peace to those in anguish, sound mind to those in torment, necessities to the poor, release to those oppressed by evil. And raise us all from death to your eternal life.


God of love, creator, sustainer & restorer, you love your world and want its good, so you forgive and restore when things go wrong.
You show your restoring love above all through Jesus, your Son, who took on all our suffering to heal & renew. So we pray through him for healing for all who suffer


Loving God,
in Jesus you reveal your way of self-giving generosity and gentleness.
May we and all humankind learn that way,
so that the suffering environment may be sustained, healed and restored,
and people and planet may flourish. Amen.


Dear Lord, may we always be grateful for the gift of each new day, and forgive from the heart those that have hurt us, as you have forgiven us everything. May we cherish the knowledge that each of us are loved beyond measure and lie in the palm of your hand. Amen

Judith, from Bristol

Heavenly Father, I bring before you all those young people who experience mental health issues at the time of their lives when they should be having fun. May they find peace in their hearts as they navigate the traumas of teenage years. AMEN

Elizabeth, from Surrey

I pray for my daughter - Lord, please bring your healing and wholeness to her, transform her in every way, instil confidence, bring peace and may she be aware of your great love for her.

Christine, from UK

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