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During the lockdown, I felt quite alone

My Bible: reasons to believe in the power of the Bible

‘During the lockdown, I felt quite alone as I had been used to being at work in a secondary school with people around me to talk to. I'd also been used to having my mum to stay for two or three days each week to help me to look after my two adopted children. Mychildren are behind emotionally and academically due to their past trauma; a few years ago, I went through an acrimonious divorce and things are still difficult for me in that relationship. 

‘I found it very challenging home-schooling my children, working from home and looking after the children alone without being able to go out to places and not having my mum's support or someone nearby to support me when things were stressful. 

‘I felt very isolated, but my faith grew during this time through other people in God's family. I enjoyed the extra time that I had with my children to be able to talk to them more about God and Jesus and to look at some areas of the Bible with them. I bought a worship CD which we listen to and sing to in the car and I started reading the Bible using a year-long study guide. I also began listening to a Christian radio station which helped me to understand the Bible more. 

‘The verse that has resonated with me most strongly since the lockdown is Jeremiah 9.24, which says, “I am the Lord who practises steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the LORD.” This verse brings me comfort as it reminds me that our God is good and he looks after all who turn to him.’

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