I always took God seriously

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‘I always took God seriously. I was in the choir at school. I can remember that we never sang the last few verses of Psalm 95. I must have been aged about eight or nine and asked why and was told that they were unsuitable for Christian worship. Even as a child, I knew you had to take the whole package, not just the bits that you liked. 

‘When I was 11 I decided that I wanted to be ordained, but I didn’t tell my parents until I was 13. When I was 15 I read the Bible through for the first time. It just seemed to have a lot of common sense in it to me, and I knew that that was how I wanted to live my life. 

‘It is extremely sad to me that eight or nine-year-olds aren’t engaging with the Bible as I was able to do then. I would like children to be able to learn about the Bible at school as I did. 

‘I went on to be ordained when I was 25 and was curate in various places for about 10 years and then was a vicar. I always thought it was so important to help the children in the local communities to engage with the Bible. I think that God, in his wisdom, gave me that exposure to the Bible when I was a child. I was very, very fortunate.’

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