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Darllenwch hwn yn Gymraeg

I was born in London but grew up as an army kid

My Bible: reasons to believe in the power of the Bible

‘I was born in London but grew up as an army kid. When my dad left the army we went to live in Dorset. I loved sport and had a very happy childhood. 

‘I'd been baptised at 17 but I wasn't really converted. I did English and PE at Chester Uni and went a bit mad – I partied really hard. I was drinking really heavily. My lowest point was at an Isle of Man sports festival when I woke up covered in vomit. 

‘I was pretty desperate. I didn't change overnight, but my best mate had just become a Christian and we shared our stories and went to church together.

‘I qualified as a teacher but wasn't really sure it was for me. I had a few jobs including youth work and working for a Christian travel company. But I found a dream job teaching PE in a middle school and loved it. I now teach in a private school – an alien world to me, but I've really enjoyed it. I now have a pastoral role responsible for a team looking after more than 80 kids, and I feel it's something I'm called to do. 

‘The Bible verse that's meant a lot to me is Isaiah 40.31, “those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

‘I look back and think how I've been held. I was on a mission to an orphanage in Mozambique, and I was given the wrong prescription for anti-malarial drugs and could have died. There was a time when the alcohol kicked in at Crewe service station, I was running across a motorway, and down marble steps – it was as though I floated down. 

‘At times when my strength is drained and stuff is messy, those words help me not to try to do things in my own strength. I like the idea of riding on thermals. You might think this is just distancing yourself from reality and living in a dream world. I don't think that; I think this is the real world, and I'm living in God's promises.’

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