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Bible mission gears up in the Gulf on eve of World Cup

Author: Simon Bartz, 31 October 2022

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Thanks to your support, Scripture booklets are distributed in the Gulf region among hard-pressed migrant workers. Photos: Bible Society in the Gulf

It’s a busy period for Bible mission in the Gulf region with both Christmas and the FIFA World Cup Finals in Qatar coming up.

Ten thousand copies of Who is Jesus Christ? are already being distributed in migrant churches in the region and more Scriptures will follow to coincide with the World Cup Finals that kick off on 20 November.

Who is Jesus Christ? covers all aspects of Christ – pre-incarnate Christ, his ministry on Earth, Christ in the present, and in the future. So far it has been distributed in migrant churches in the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Kuwait. 

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Migrant workers, who are usually impoverished and go to the Gulf to get a job, usually end up working long hours for low salaries and living in very poor conditions. But a growing number are rediscovering hope through the gospel and churches are flourishing in the region. Your kind support provides Bibles and other resources to these blossoming congregations that gives them great encouragement.

Pastor Gerald in Kuwait thanked Bible Society and the kind giving of its supporters that made the publication of Who is Jesus Christ? possible in many different languages.

He said, ‘In November, we plan a Missions Week. I have a special interest in reaching out to my fellow workers in the labour camps here. Most of them speak Urdu and Malayalam. People feel loved when I share this book with them. They love stories and want to know what Jesus did and how he lived his life here on earth. When they hear that he loves them and that they can talk to him, they get incredulous and ask to hear more about this saviour. Thank you Bible Society for providing us with the necessary tools to spread the Good News to exhausted, desperate migrant workers in Dubai.’

Pastor Dekshi in Bahrain said, ‘Our church is reaching out to different communities. I need Who is Jesus Christ? in Hindi, Kannada, Nepali and Malayalam. We look forward to distributing them to our members who are in dire need to hear that God loves them and that he will take care of them.’ 

Who is Jesus Christ? is available in 14 different languages: Amharic, Arabic, English, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Pakistani Urdu, Punjabi, Sinhala, Tagalog, Tamil, Telugu, Nepali and Japanese. 

Bible Society in the Gulf General Secretary Dr Hrayr Jebejian thanks you for your kind giving , which is having a huge impact in the region.

Hrayr said, ‘Truly, your prayers and financial support have made this project possible. The need is big and the Bible Society in the Gulf is always ready to meet all the churches’ needs with innovative, relevant material to spread the Good News of our saviour Jesus Christ.’

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