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Bible story dramatisations thrill children in Ghanaian schools

Author: Bible Society, 24 June 2022

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Ghana’s Open the Book Storytellers with some of the children who are loving the Bible-based fun they’re bringing to schools.

Panicked chickens flutter into the air as boisterous children sprint through a dusty playground towards a classroom at Bishop Girls School in Accra, the capital of Ghana.

The benches in the classroom are packed. Girls even sit on the laps of friends. Children who can’t fit in peer through open windows. A volunteer shouts, ‘Open!’ and the children all shout back, ‘the Book!’

Bible Society’s Open the Book ministry in Ghana, which began seven years ago as a pilot project after the success of the programme here at home, is going from strength to strength. Children just love their Bible stories, especially when dramatised by teams of Open the Book volunteer Storytellers.

At another school in Accra, the Apostolic Church Academy, children in their blue and white school uniforms are bouncing with excitement before an Open the Book assembly. They form a chain and dance and sing around the hall.

Soon after, children in scary lion masks are scampering around chasing others who are roaring with laughter. The children are asked what they learned from the story of Daniel in the Lion’s Den. Hands shoot up. ‘Be brave!’ ‘Believe in God!’ ‘Pray!’ ‘God will protect!’

Katrina, 16, said, ‘I want to be like Daniel. I want to be faithful to God.’ 

You can further support this amazing work, and help more children and such as Katrina get grounded in the Scriptures by making a single donation.

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