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Bibles and aid distributed across Ukraine

Author: Hazel Southam, 16 March 2022

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Refugees at Lviv railway station. Photo credit: Vladyslav Sodel

Despite increased bombardments, Bible Society staff in Ukraine are continuing to distribute bread and Bibles to people sheltering in bunkers and cellars across the country.

Yesterday, a young woman asked for Bibles as she was being given food aid.

Anatoliy Raychynets of the Ukraine Bible Society said, ‘We have met so many people in the last two weeks who have never had a Bible before, but now they are asking or us to pray with them. It is a revival.’

But, he added, ‘The Angels of Kyiv (the name given to Bible Society staff by locals) need the protection of heavenly angels.’

The team across the country are working under very difficult conditions. Anatoliy’s car was hit by a bullet while he was out distributing Bibles and aid recently.

You can help reach people in Ukraine (and those escaping) with God’s love. Put the Bible in someone’s hands today.

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