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Chinese student embraces Bible school rather than a secure business career

Author: Bible Society, 9 September 2021

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Ning is able to attend Bible school in China thanks to the kind giving of Bible Society supporters.

Ning, a 23-year-old student in China, was about to opt for security through money over God’s call, but then she entered Bible school and saw the bigger picture.

‘God is gracious. He knew and chose me when I was in my mother’s womb,’ Ning now says. ‘When I was about to work, my mother encouraged me to go to the Bible seminary. At first, I was unwilling to follow her advice. I wanted financial security by working in the marketplace. Later, I learned that submission is a blessing.’

Ning is one of thousands of Christians in China every year who attend Bible seminaries thanks to the prayerful and generous giving of Bible Society supporters.

It is crucial that more biblical training is offered as it’s estimated there is an average of just one trained, ordained pastor for every 6,700 Christians in China. In years to come, with the continued kind giving of Bible Society supporters, the aim is to lower that figure so the flourishing Church in China gets the trained leaders it desperately needs.

Thanks to the support of people such as yourself, every year Bible Society provides intensive biblical training to preachers, as well as scholarships for Bible students to prepare them for their Bible teaching ministry.

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Ning says she was very grateful to grow up in a Christian family – her father, mother and grandmother are all believers.

‘To obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen is better than the fat of rams,’ says Ning, quoting 1 Samuel 15.22. 

‘Thus, I went to a seminary where God changed me and trained me. God broke me from the inside out. I deepened my knowledge of my Lord Jesus Christ and my understanding of myself.’

Ning says: ‘I’d been busy helping others and accepting others while I ignored my own need to accept what I was and what I needed to do. With this course, I grew in self-acceptance.’ 

And, she adds: ‘For the younger generation, if they aren’t aware of the truth, they might make poor choices that harm themselves and their families. May the Lord continue to lead me and sustain me to follow him in serving others.’

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