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Church in communist Laos so grateful for Study New Testament

Author: Simon Bartz, 26 May 2022

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A Christian in Laos clutches her precious Bible, provided to her by Bible Society.

Christians in communist Laos, one of the poorest countries in East Asia, are praising God and thanking Bible Society supporters as the new Lao Study New Testament is distributed to pastors and churches.

‘We give thanks and glorify our God for all these things he has done for the Lao people. We believe the Lao Study New Testament will help readers to grow spiritually, and support leaders in nurturing new believers,’ said a Bible Society mission worker involved in the Laos Study Bible project.

The translation of the Lao Study New Testament and the continued work on the Lao Study Old Testament is supported by people like you who give through Bible Society.

‘I was very excited when I joined the Lao Study Bible project as a junior translator in 2018,’ said 34-year-old Somboun*. ‘It is really a great project as it has been providing an important material for all church leaders in the whole country. This first ever Lao Study Bible will help them to grow up spiritually, to know God’s purpose, and then to serve well on their ministry.’

To thank Bible Society supporters for their prayerful help, Somboun quoted 2 Peter 1.2: ‘May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.’ (ESV)

A Bible Society translator in Laos.

When Laos became communist in 1975, Bible ministry in Laos was halted by the authorities, but despite limitations on religious freedom, our Bible work continued thanks to your regular support and we co-operate closely with many churches.

The vast majority of the population is Buddhist but Christianity has experienced significant growth during the last ten years. Now four per cent of the population is believed to be Christian. Church planting is on the rise, and with that comes a strong need for pastoral training and in-depth study of the Bible.

The Revised Laos Bible was launched by Bible Society in 2013. It has had a huge impact, helping Christianity to blossom.

The new Lao Study Bible is expected to directly impact about 20,000 believers at first and then grow from there. It is vital because there are very few study Bible materials in the Lao language and many people do not understand any other language.

Thanks to your continued support, the growing Church will have a valuable resource which will help them grow in their understanding and study of God's word.

Please pray for the continued health and strength of the translators and typesetters as they complete the Lao Study Old Testament. Praise God that Christianity is blossoming in Laos, and ask that it will continue to prosper and that eventually the gospel may be shared without fear of persecution.

Christians in Laos need all the help they can get. They are so grateful to know they are being prayerfully supported by their brothers and sisters on the other side of the world. By joining Bible a Month for as little as £10 per month you can help people who live in some of the toughest places in the world to be a Christian.

*Name has been changed (and the images blurred) to protect the identity of the individuals.

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