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Confidence in the Bible could change Britain

Author: Hazel Southam, 22 June 2022

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Confidence in the Bible could ‘spring clean the country’ said Dr Andrew Ollerton today. 

The author of The Bible Course was speaking at the Gather Movement Summit in Manchester, whose aim is to see transformation in our cities. 

He quoted the story of Josiah in 2 Chronicles: ‘Josiah did a thorough job of cleaning up all the spiritual pollution … The whole nation got a spring clean. The people of Israel worshipped and served the God of their fathers.’

‘Our country could do with a spring clean,’ said Andrew. 

He told the conference that building confidence in the Bible was vital to see  change in society. 

‘How many of us have seen that the introduction of God’s word in our lives is a game changer?’ he said. ‘It changes trajectories.’

But he added that it was vital that everyone had the opportunity to grow in the Bible. This was particularly true for young people (especially children between 8 and 12 years old) and those who are new to Christianity. 

If churches took this mission seriously, he said, then in a generation’s time ‘things would change’ in both the spiritual and societal context of Britain. 

Watch the Gather highlights now.

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