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Crowd-funded chapterless Bible arrives

Author: Bible Society, 20 December 2016

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Today a long-awaited Bible arrived on the doormats (or, handed over by a courier) for the UK cohort of the 20,000+ people who ordered the crowd-funded Bibliotheca Bible back in 2014. 

Bibliotheca was a Kickstarter project aiming to create a new Bible-reading experience that champions the 'literary art' of Scripture. Using an updated version of the Authorised Version the Bible is free of chapter and verse markers and is designed to make the reading experience as uncluttered as possible.

'By separating the text into several volumes, and by applying classic and elegant typography, Bibliotheca is meant to provide a fresh alternative to the reader who wants to enjoy the biblical library anew, as great literary art,' states their Kickstarter pitch.

The project exceeded their fundraising target of $37,000 by over $1 million and gained media coverage on both sides of the Atlantic, from Christian and mainstream outlets alike.

Bibliotheca creator Adam Greene told The Huffington Post that he was shocked by the response. 'What I thought would be a small scale project for a niche pocket interest has received an overwhelming amount of attention across the globe from people of many backgrounds, faiths, and languages. Clearly this concept has struck a chord.' 

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