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Demand for the Bible grows in Ukraine

Author: Hazel Southam, 6 May 2022

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Demand for the Bible grows daily in Ukraine. That can be from people who have lost all their possessions, including their Bible, or from those who have never had a copy before.

As more Bibles arrive, they are sent out to communities across the war-torn country. Chaplains have also been collecting Bibles to give to soldiers ahead of their deployment.

Anatoliy Raychynets, the deputy general secretary of the Ukrainian Bible Society, said, ‘I’ve delivered thousands of Bibles personally over the last two months. When people see that I am a pastor they ask for Bibles. People are hungry for the Bible. It is like first aid to them.

‘We get requests for Bibles all the time, every day,’ he added. ‘The military request Bibles too. We are also helping the families of those serving in the military and those who have been killed. I am taking funerals, visiting the morgue with families.

‘We are offering three things, bread, first aid and the Bible. People appreciate the Bible so much.’

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