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Earthquake: ‘Jesus is right here with us’

Author: Hazel Southam, 9 February 2023

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Rescuers search for survivors in Latakia, Syria. (Photo credit: Yamam al Shaar/Reuters)

As the death toll from the earthquake reaches 19,300, eyewitness reports from Bible Society staff in both Syria and Turkey have reached us. 

In both countries, our teams are working to help the homeless, comfort the bereaved, support churches and bring the Bible to those who need it. 

‘Working with the many people that might not have a home anymore, or the many who don’t dare go to their homes, you forget about any difficulties or disagreements and you realise that we are all brothers and sisters,’ said George, in Aleppo, Syria. 

‘Everybody here believes that there will be another even stronger earthquake coming. This is where we need Jesus. He’s right here with us.’

Though the Bible House in Aleppo is closed, churches are open to keep children safe and occupied. So, the team are distributing scriptures and activity books to churches and working with local church leaders to find out what they need, in a constantly changing situation. 

In Turkey, our team is also working with churches in the Antioch area, which has ‘a significant number of Christians’ to establish the need and start to help to meet it. They are also hosting people who have become homeless in the quake. 

Tamar said, ‘We are starting to hear about many close friends, church members and community members who will not be with us anymore’.

Pray for Turkey and Syria

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