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Evangelist Billy Graham mourned

Author: Bible Society, 21 February 2018

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Bible Society today mourns the death and celebrates the life of evangelist Billy Graham, who has died at the age of 99.

During his 70 years of ministry, Billy Graham is thought to have preached to more people than anyone else in history, reaching hundreds of millions of people at stadium events, and through TV broadcasts.

Some 77 million people saw him preach in person, while a further 215 million watched his evangelistic crusades on television.

The world has lost a remarkable witness to Jesus Christ and to the power of the Bible

He counselled US Presidents and also preached to the Queen during his long career.

Paul Williams, CEO of Bible Society, said, ‘Our thoughts and prayers are today with the family and friends of Billy Graham.

‘The world has lost a remarkable witness to Jesus Christ and to the power of the Bible. We honour and celebrate his extraordinary life and his enormous enthusiasm for the Bible, which was central to his ministry.

‘People who have heard Billy Graham preach, around the world, will know of his passion for the Bible, a passion that we share. He based his life’s work on scripture, knowing the impact it can have on people.’

In 1982, Billy Graham visited Bible Society to open one of its buildings in Swindon, Wiltshire.

Billy Graham had suffered from Parkinson’s disease for many years. More recently, he had had prostate cancer and had a shunt installed in his brain to control excess fluid.

He died at 1pm today GMT.

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