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Fiona Bruce MP launches Bible Society Magi Initiative

Author: Bible Society, 17 May 2022

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Fiona Bruce MP has launched the Magi Initiative of Bible Society by highlighting attacks on the church in parts of Ukraine that are under Russian occupation. 

Proclaiming herself a Christian, the Prime Minister’s Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) set the scene for the start of the conference, which brought together church leaders from the Middle East and Europe. 

‘Freedom of Religion or Belief gives individuals a sense of worth, purpose and identity,’ she said. ‘I’ve certainly found that in my own life since I became a Christian at the age of 27. 

‘For far too long FORB has been a Cinderella human right,’ she added.  

Speaking over Zoom, Fiona Bruce told the conference in Cambridge, ‘Open Doors estimate this year that some 360 million Christians across the world suffer persecution for their faith. Somewhere in the world every two hours a Christian is killed for their faith.’ 

And she drew attention to restrictions on religious freedom in Ukraine, in areas occupied by pro-Russian separatists. ‘We are we hearing of church pastors simply disappearing.  

‘A restrictive law makes it illegal for any religious community to gather, and therefore to exist, without permission from the authorities. 

‘As a result, all Baptists, Seven-Day Adventists, Pentecostals and other Protestant communities, who have been denied permission to worship together are doing so in a climate of constant fear.’ 

On the list of so-called extremist books that have been banned, Fiona Bruce MP said, is an edition of the Gospel of John. 

‘We see persecution spreading,’ said the President of Bible Society, Archbishop Angaelos. Stressing the unity of the faith, he added, ‘To refer to the church in the East and the West is a myth – a dangerous myth. What we have in common far outweighs what separates us.’ 

Welcoming church leaders to the conference, Bible Society International Director Oldi Morava said, ‘When one part of the body suffers, the whole body suffers.’ 

The Magi Initiative began in Lebanon in 2019. It aims to create understanding and build support for Christian communities under growing pressure. 

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