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Five ways to bring good news to your community this Christmas

Author: James Howard-Smith, 30 September 2022

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The good news that Christmas represents is deeply relevant right now and urgently needed in your community. (PHOTO CREDIT: Sam Headland)

Share Amazing Days

Take people you know through the amazing days of the very first Christmas. You can get one or hundreds of our new nativity story booklet to share through your church or with people you know. (Bulk orders as small as five copies are discounted!) Amazing Days looks and sounds great in animation, and you can share the video for free at your Christmas services or children’s groups. Or go one better and perform the story yourself by downloading our free Instant Nativity script!

Give out Christmas cards

It’s old fashioned, but it works. Slip some Christmas blessings through your neighbours’ doors in the form of a celebratory Christmas card, perhaps including an invitation to your carol service. You can order praise-based, Bible verse cards in packs of ten. The packs contain five designs that quote the angels’ worship in Luke 2.

Reach further with a Charity Gift

If regular Christmas cards are too much of an in-the-box idea for you, consider giving a Charity Gift. The card your friend receives won’t just share the good news with them, it’ll let them know the good news has reached someone else as well, whether in Syria or Mozambique or who-knows-where. On behalf of your friend, you can train a Sunday school teacher, provide a children’s Bible or support a refugee family.

Present Nativity and Beyond

There’ll be plenty of people in your community (maybe even in your church family) who don’t get the Christmas story. They may benefit from a pocket-sized introduction, which you can provide in the form of Nativity and Beyond, a short booklet that explains the familiar but mystifying events we mark at Christmas. You can also download a script and present the fascinating facts during a Christmas service. 

Don't forget the under-fives

Your community is full of children not yet ready to read by themselves. If you’ve got a toddler group at your church, you could give out copies of The Christmas Poem. Bob Hartman’s retelling of the nativity story in rhyme is beautifully illustrated by Honor Ayers. You’ll be giving parents and grandparents the opportunity to experience the world-changing birth of Jesus with their little ones.


12 Resources for you this Christmas from Bible Society

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