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Five ways to find resurrection power in Scripture this Easter

Author: James Howard-Smith, 24 February 2023

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Share The Awesome Easter Surprise, get on board with The Lent Encounter, download an action-packed family service, and reach beyond your church with the End of the Road? outreach booklet.

This year’s Easter resources create an opportunity to experience the Bible in an inspiring range of ways. 

Open up the Easter story for children

You know that Easter is more than a religious festival or an excuse to eat chocolate. It’s based on the awesome surprise of the resurrection. Bring that truth to children at your church or school with our new Easter story booklet for 2023, The Awesome Easter Surprise. Get one copy for a grandchild or order hundreds to share in your community. Bulk orders are discounted, and the booklet is also available in Welsh: Syrpréis Rhyfeddol y Pasg!

Order The Awesome Easter Surprise

Order Syrpréis Rhyfeddol y Pasg

Reflect on Scripture right through Lent

If you missed the start of our Lent reflections this week, it’s not too late to join. The Lent Encounter will give you a burst of inspiring Bible study every morning, all the way to Easter. We’ll explore together the relevance of the gospel right now and discover the power of Scripture to meet us wherever we are. 

Sign up for The Lent Encounter

Perform the Resurrection story in rhyme

And that’s easier than you think, because we’ve written it for you. Download The Awesome Easter Pop Up Service and you’ll have plenty of help putting together an engaging and inclusive service for Resurrection Sunday. Get the script, a set-up guide and PowerPoint slides for free today.

Download The Awesome Easter Pop Up Service

Share the awesome story in your community

People you know have big questions about Easter. And without you to answer those questions, it all passes them by each year in a haze of bank holidays and chocolate eggs. You can help them find out why Easter matters to them by sharing End of the Road?, a 36-page outreach booklet that reveals the lasting impact of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Order End of the Road?

Keep going into Pentecost

You’re not thinking it all ends on Easter morning, are you? Sign up now to join us in May for an eight-day exploration of the Holy Spirit. Discover the gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel, courage, knowledge, piety and awe that supercharged the early Church and could make a big difference to you. And when Pentecost Sunday comes, get the children in your church involved by staging our Pop Up Pentecost Family Service. Download the script for free right now.

Get the Pentecost Reflections

Download the Pop Up Pentecost Family Service

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