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How are mission teams reaching people affected by fighting in Israel and Gaza?

Author: James Howard-Smith, 27 October 2023

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Fighting is focused on Gaza, but the effects of the conflict are being felt throughout the Bible Lands.

Mission teams based in Jerusalem and Nazareth are responding with Scripture and practical support, and people in this country who are passionate about Bible mission are right behind them.

For thousands of internally displaced people, the practical support is as basic as socks and soap. Out of a deep desire to share God’s love, Bible workers are reaching out to people who have lost everything. They’re replacing some of the things people were forced to leave behind, like clothes and hygiene items, and providing supplies they’ll need during this frightening time, like torches and blankets.

Teams are offering emotional and spiritual support, partly through Bible Society’s trauma healing programme.

The Bible is at the heart of all of this, and it’s available to anyone who wants it. Victor Kalisher, who leads the main Israeli team, said: ‘We’re providing essential items as well as the word of God, through a portion of Scripture or a full Bible, or an Old Testament or a New Testament, depending on the openness and readiness of the people. We desire to sow a seed of salvation and eternal life in the lives of these suffering and hurting people.’

Nashat and his team, who share the gospel among the Palestinians, have stepped up their outreach in Gaza and those parts of the West Bank most affected. They’re giving out food, water, blankets and medication, along with family Bibles. Communities in the West Bank are extremely divided, but Nashat is passionate about the Bible’s potential for impact there. ‘The gospel has no borders or boundaries,’ he said. ‘It’s the bridge to all.’ 

You can get behind this heroic outreach and make an amazing difference for victims of war in the Bible Lands. Your donation will put the Bible and vital aid in the hands of someone most in need of. You can also make a powerful difference through prayer.

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