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‘I have my first Bible, how marvellous!’

Author: Simon Bartz, 7 December 2022

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Children in Togo whose families cannot afford a Bible are getting one thanks to your kind support. Photos: Julien Bossou / Bible Society

‘Every evening I will read this Bible before going to sleep, and I will be carried away in my dreams by the stories!’ That was the wonderful reaction of a child in Togo who, thanks to your support, received a children’s Bible of their own. 

Your generous gifts are helping to put Bibles into the hands of thousands of children in not only this West African country, but also other nations across the continent.

Two in five people in Togo are under the age of fifteen so the Bible Society team there has a sharp focus on Scripture distribution among children. This French-speaking nation, to the east of Ghana, is one of Africa’s tiniest countries, and has a population the size of London’s.

Thanks to your support, a total of 3,000 Bibles will be distributed in Togo through Bible Society’s ‘I have my first Bible, how marvellous’ project. They are being distributed in rural areas where many families are in poverty and the children could never buy a Bible of their own.

Children are also encouraged to develop a Bible reading habit through quizzes and holiday clubs, so they can better encounter Jesus.

Please thank God that so many children in Togo are meeting Jesus in the pages of the Bible. Pray for strong partnerships with churches and village authorities as this significant Scripture distribution among children continues.

Give a Bible to a child this Christmas

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