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Killed for their ‘lucky’ body parts: the threat to people living with albinism and how Bible Society is helping

Author: Helen Crawford, 7 July 2016

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Albinism, a rare genetically-inherited condition which results in a reduction or lack of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes, is considered ‘lucky’ – but not for those with the condition.

While the world recently commemorated International Albinism Awareness, it was a day of sorrow for people living with the condition in Swaziland, who live in fear of being killed for their body parts.

‘The prevalent belief is that the blood and body parts of a person with albinism bring luck,’ says Ngcebo Mbuli, General Secretary of Bible Society of Swaziland.

When sold to traditional healers, these can reach a high price. This has led to a series of barbaric killings by so-called ‘albino hunters.’ These murders are on the rise.

Living in fear


Bible Society appealed to the Swazi people to love those with albinism.

In late 2015, there were a number of people with albinism reported missing. ‘That’s when we thought, something bad is happening,’ says Ngcebo Mbuli, General Secretary of Bible Society of Swaziland.

But the community was silent about the disappearances, and those living with albinism became very afraid. Our team in Swaziland felt compelled to act.

‘We had a group who were living in fear,’ says Mbuli. ‘Some were in hiding and were traumatised at the thought of what might happen to them.’

Offering protection

‘We called on every church and person to love, respect and protect them. That’s key, the issue of protection.’

Through a statement in the media, our staff in Swaziland implored the Swazi nation to love, embrace and protect people with albinism. ‘We raised awareness to the whole nation that these were people we should love and protect.

‘As for people with albinism, they came to us and thanked us as the first NGO to stand alongside people with albinism,’ Mbuli says.

‘There’s a verse in John, where Jesus says by this you will see that you are my disciples, if you love.* We believe that’s the major line for us. As Bible Society we are demonstrating the love of God to them.’ 

Love in practice

One practical demonstration of this love has been the printing and distribution of large-print Bibles, as decreased eyesight among people with albinism means reading can be difficult. Last year, our team gave away 500 such Bibles to people with albinism.


Bible Society was the first NGO to stand alongside those living with albinism

‘We sent a message to those with albinism, especially those hiding, saying that we are here, you can come to us, we can take you through trauma healing programmes; you can read the Bible and get to know the love of God,’ Mbuli says.

The team discovered other practical needs too. ‘We learnt that they need sunglasses and suncream. Some are from very poor backgrounds,’ Mbuli explains. This year, Mbuli managed to get the support of the Deputy Prime Minister, who donated sunglasses, suncream and hats for 40 people.

‘Next year we want to scale it up by working with partners,’ he says.

A growing challenge

Three weeks after receiving a large-print Bible, one man was murdered. Bible Society Swaziland immediately made another statement. ‘We told them: we believe in the love of God for everyone, let us love because without them we are incomplete as a nation.

‘Our prayer is that they feel the warmth and love of God,’ Mbuli says. ‘People with albinism are hiding, they have been traumatised. Pray for them to come to Bible Society and to churches so they can be easily helped.’

Please pray:

  • Ask God to give peace to people living with albinism and the boldness to comes to churches where they can be helped
  • Pray that the message to love people with albinism will transform the views of Swazi people and lead them to demonstrate this love in practical ways
  • Pray that there will be an end to the work of so-called ‘albino-hunters’
  • Pray for Mbuli and the team as they continue to love and serve people living with albinism

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* ‘By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.’ (John 13.35)

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