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My Bible and the pandemic

For the last three years Hazel Southam has been gathering people’s accounts of how the Bible has helped and encouraged them. Now she wants to hear how the Bible is speaking to you during the pandemic.

Bibles bring joy to children in Malawi

Before the Covid-19 pandemic, Alan Kember visited the Bible Society of Malawi. Here he brings us the good news of how children at a Sunday school are thrilled to have received Bibles through your kind giving.

Bible printing increasing to full capacity in China as nation begins recovery from Covid-19

Bible production is moving back to full speed in China as people start returning to work with the threat of the coronavirus receding.

Chinese preachers spurred on to continue Bible mission in the face of virus pandemic

Mu Weixu, a 33-year-old preacher who lives in a mountainous area of Yunnan province, faces many challenges. And that was before the coronavirus outbreak.

Coronavirus: Lessons from our past

'So many people died that cities and villages in Italy … were abandoned and fell into ruin.' That’s not a comment about the impact of coronavirus, but an epidemic of smallpox that infected the Roman Empire in 165 AD.

Coronavirus: A message from Bible Society

Bible Society is praying for you and all our supporters during this difficult period.

Guatemalan town celebrates as Bible arrives in native tongue

‘This is my first Scripture,’ beamed Trinidad López, 39, as she held a copy of the first Bible in her language. ‘I have never owned my own Bible until today! Now, I have the full Bible in Achí of Cubulco!’

Testimonies flood in of how Youth Edition Bible is impacting on lives

Our Good News Bible – The Youth Edition, designed with the help of Youth for Christ and young people themselves, recently won the Christian Resources Together Bible of the Year award, which recognises the impact it is having...

Bible translators are at risk of terrorist attacks in Africa’s Sahel region

Terrorism poses a constant threat to many Christians and Bible translators in the western part of the Sahel region of Africa, where we are involved, through your generous support, in many Bible projects. In 2019 your generosity...

Virus outbreak sees Christians in China depending increasingly on God’s word

With the coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak – now a global health emergency – on their doorstep, Christians in China are relying even more on their Bibles and reading at home.

Read all about it!

Literacy classes funded by our supporters are having a profound everyday impact on the lives of more and more people in Niger, who can now finally read the word of God whenever they want to

Rekindling a love of Scripture in Jordan

Esther King discovered a home from home during a trip to see what our team in Jordan is doing.
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