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Jerome: The ancient saint who's still inspiring Bible reading

Today (30 September) marks the feast day of St Jerome, one of the most influential figures in all Christian history.

Open the Book in the heart of Westminster

Twenty years on from its humble beginnings, schools storytelling initiative Open the Book holds a national celebration in the capital.

Pray for schools

With children, teachers and parents preparing for the start of the new school year, Back to School Sunday and Education Sunday are brilliant opportunities to pray for schools and for the next generation.

First meal on the moon: how Buzz Aldrin took communion (and why NASA hushed it up)

Almost everyone knows Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first people to stand on the moon. Almost everyone knows what Armstrong said: 'That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.' But how many know...

What does the Bible say about the moon?

This day in 1969 marked the beginning of the most extraordinary voyage in human history. The best brains in the US, billions of dollars and the remarkable courage of three men – Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins...

Where we'll be this summer

We're looking forward to being out and at about at camps and festivals this summer. Find out where we'll be.

Welcoming the stranger: What does the Bible say about refugees?

Today marks the beginning of Refugee Week, when we're encouraged to think about people who leave their homes and embark on often dangerous journeys to strange lands.

'Please remember us': Islamist attack on Burkina Faso church leaves 6 dead

Gunmen attacked a church in northern Burkina Faso last Sunday, killing six people. A priest was among the dead.

What the Bible has to say about inequality

A new report from the Institute for Fiscal Studies says some people are earning vast amounts of money while others are under extreme financial pressure. What might the Bible have to say on the matter? Mark Woods explores.

Welcoming the royal baby

The whole world is congratulating the Duke and Duchess of Sussex – Harry and Meghan – on the birth of their son.

Dying Matters: What the Bible says about death

Dying Matters Awareness Week aims to get us talking about dying, death and bereavement. What does the Bible have to say about these things? Mark Woods explores.

The story of Jonah and the whale has been retold as a sci-fi adventure.

The story of Jonah and the whale has been retold as a sci-fi adventure. Jo Sheringham is the author of Jonah And The Bony-Finned Asteroid Fish, a sci-fi re-working of the biblical story published by Bible Society.
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