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The incredible impact of 40 years of support

My time as Chief Executive at Bible Society is measured in months, not years. However, even in this short time I feel privileged to be associated with such an amazing work.

Feeding 5,000 in Hull

We supported Feeding 5000: An every day miracle. The re-creation of the famous Bible story Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand turned into a massive picnic in Hull's Queen's Gardens.

Bible a month turns 40

Bible a Month, our scheme for supporters to give a Bible, month after month, is celebrating 40 years.

Abdul met Jesus in a dream

Abdul met Jesus in a dream. Now he forgets he's in a detention centre when he reads the Bible.

Igor's story

Igor is discovering Christianity for the first time through Bible studies at Heathrow's Immigration Removal Centre.

Ani's story

Ani lives in constant uncertainty about his future. He believes only God can sustain him.

The one thing giving a desperate man hope

Despite a fatwah against him, Tan is being deported to Pakistan. His situation feels hopeless but the Bible means he's no longer worried.

Last port of call: the chaplain giving people hope before they're deported

Revd Patrick Wright is one of the chaplains at Heathrow’s Immigration Removal Centre where roughly 1,000 people are awaiting news of when and if they will be deported from the UK.

5 ways to get ready for the election 

If we are to love God and love our neighbours as ourselves, influencing the institutions and forums that impact the lives of our neighbours is desperately important. What can you do practically?

Giving up everything for the Gospel

Qingchao, 30, leaves behind her family to train as a pastor in China, where there is currently only one trained minister for every 6,700 Christians.

What is government for?

In the second part of our series, Paul Woolley asks what we should actually be expecting of our government.

Why does the General Election matter?

As we draw closer to the General Election, Paul Woolley asks: why does it matter and what does the Bible have to say about it?
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