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Olga’s story: every Bible makes a difference

Author: Bible Society, 18 November 2022

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Meet Olga. Olga is from Rubizhne, in Luhansk Province, which is under Russian control.

Before the war she had a home that she loved, and a job that she loved, teaching Russian. The next significant milestone in her life seemed to be retirement. 

Then, in April, a mortar shell completely destroyed Olga’s home. Thankfully, the family survived and fled to Kyiv. But Olga now suffers from panic attacks and is taking anti-depressants. She’s also convinced that she will never teach Russian again, as it has become ‘a symbol of enmity and death’ to her. 

Into this stepped the local church, with kindness and practical support, as well as Bibles that you’ve helped fund. 

Olga had read the Gospel of John before the war, and found that she was ‘eager to read more’. She’s now received a copy of the New Testament and the Psalms. Reading it, alongside the kindness of the church, has helped Olga ‘to continue to trust people’ she says, and inspired her. 

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