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Open to all: National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast 2020

Author: Bible Society, 26 May 2020

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The National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast in Westminster Hall has become a fixture in Parliament’s timetable, but until now numbers have always been limited. 

However, because of the coronavirus pandemic, this year the event will be held online – and for the first time ever, everyone can attend. 

The Breakfast will be livestreamed on Tuesday, 30 June, from 8.30–9 am.

Visit Christians in Parliament for more information about the National Prayer Breakfast, or EventBrite to register for the Breakfast and sign up for Bible Society’s webinar (to attend the webinar, choose ‘Church leader’ when asked for your role).

It will be hosted by Marsha de Cordova MP and the main speaker will be the Bishop of Kensington, Revd Dr Graham Tomlin, whose theme will be ‘Hope and peace in a time of fear and suffering’. 

Participants will have the chance to hear not only from Bishop Tomlin but from leading parliamentarians as well, and to take part in prayer for the UK’s leaders at the most critical time in our history since the Second World War. 

Following the Prayer Breakfast, Bible Society – the event’s principal sponsor – will be hosting a webinar for church leaders and Bible communicators. Entitled ‘Mission during lockdown and beyond’, it will last from 10 am to 11.15. It’s designed for church leaders and Bible communicators who want to know more about the implications of the coronavirus crisis for the Church and the world. 

Contributors will talk about how churches have responded to lockdown, how the virus will change the church, and what resources Bible Society can offer to support churches and church leaders. 

Bible Society’s Deputy Chief Executive Paul Woolley said: ‘This is a great opportunity for Christians to pray with and for our nation and political leaders at a tremendously challenging time.

‘We’re all deeply conscious of the burdens carried by parliamentarians at this time, and the National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast provides a great chance to come together and stand in solidarity with them.

‘The event is a good opportunity to reflect on the challenges and opportunities facing the UK today, listen to parliamentarians and church leaders, and worship together.

‘Bible Society’s webinar after the Breakfast will offer some great insights into the way the church has responded to lockdown and how the experience will change our approach to mission. We’ll hear from leaders of organisations and church networks, consider resources that can help us, and pray, and I’d really encourage church leaders and Bible communicators to attend.’

Both events are on Tuesday, 30 June. The Prayer Breakfast will last from 8.30–9 am, and ‘Mission during lockdown and beyond’ from 10 am–11.15. 

Visit Christians in Parliament for more information about the National Prayer Breakfast, or EventBrite to register for the Breakfast and sign up for Bible Society’s webinar (to attend the webinar, choose ‘Church leader’ when asked for your role).

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