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‘I hope that I will be able to read the Bible’

Almost half a billion women are unable to read. There are women who don’t know any other women with this skill. Attending a literacy class takes a lot of courage but it offers transformative change. A teacher and a student...

The Bible on the streets of Camden

How is your church reaching out this Easter? For Hope and Anchor Community Church in London, Easter is the time to hit the streets in full force. ‘There is no better time to be in the streets of Camden Town than at Easter...

Bible Society on Nigerian TV

When Nigeria hosts the African Biblical Leadership Initiative (ABLI) forum in October, the country’s media will cover it. We’ve been working with the local Bible Society team to prepare the ground for this exciting, Bible...

The angel of prisons

Queen Victoria admired her, the King of Prussia travelled to London to see her impact, and Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton praised her work in Parliament. Because of her, thousands of prisoners in England had better lives. Get to...

Working towards Revelation 7.9

Osoba Otaigbe, a Baptist minister, is the man behind a game-changing Christian gathering that took place in Leeds last month, Intercultural Church and City Transformation. Read his story.

Teach to reach

Is your church running English classes for new arrivals in Britain? David Baldwin from 2:19 Teach to Reach is giving churches the tools they need to reach the nations in their communities. Find out how.

From cult bondage to Bible storytelling

Emmanuel escaped from a cult in Africa, went to Dubai as a migrant worker, and it was there that he found his calling as a Bible Storyteller, thanks to your support of Bible work in the Gulf.

A good year for the gospel in the Gulf

The World Cup made many of us more aware of the conditions endured by migrant workers in the Gulf countries. In the year that followed, Bible Society has reached thousands there with the gospel.

The Bible for everyone

One hundred and fifty five Bible Societies are working together to make the Bible available to everyone. Bible workers travelled from every part of the world to meet in the Netherlands last October and participate in the United...

What’s happening in Sudan?

‘I think this is the most difficult time I’ve experienced,’ Ismail, Sudan’s Bible Society leader, told us. His team members, who share the Bible in an environment that’s challenging at the best of times, have been...

Making Bible stories memorable for children in Kenya

Joy Children’s Village was started 12 years ago by Nazareth Hospital, a Christian outreach just outside Nairobi. It cares for about 60 children with HIV/AIDS, providing a family-based environment for girls and boys who might...

‘God came to me in the horrors of war’

For more than 600 days, our colleagues in Ukraine have been taking aid, medicine and the Bible to people across the country, and increasingly to areas of fighting.
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