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The unassuming project transforming the hopes of young people

How drama and creative arts groups in Malawi are bringing hope and confidence to the lives of teens.

The Bible showed me I was loved

After Cecilia was diagnosed as HIV positive, she was forced to live alone in a room for three years. But through basic medical training and the parable of the Good Samaritan, Cecilia has been reunited with her community.

Rediscovering a God who cares

When Saraa fled the war in Syria, she thought God had abandoned her family but Bible-based trauma healing care has helped her rediscover a God who cares. 

Tens of thousands of refugees in Jordan get help

Tens of thousands of refugees in Jordan are being helped to face their traumatic experiences of war, thanks to Bible Society.

Trauma healing programme for refugees launches in Lebanon

People from ten countries gathered in Beirut recently for the launch of a trauma healing programme for refugees in Lebanon.

How one Syrian woman discovered hope in a refugee camp

Salma lost everything when she fled from Syria, but in a Jordanian refugee camp, she discovered something worth living for.

Bible Society team gives Bibles to Calais refugees

Staff from Bible Society have given out Bibles to asylum seekers in 'the jungle' in Calais as part of the society’s response to the refugee crisis in Europe. The team gave out over 500 New Testaments, Gospels and Bibles...

Bible distribution in South Sudan goes up a gear

Our team in South Sudan has taken delivery of a new 4x4 truck, paid for by Bible Society supporters in the UK.

Official opening for Mary Jones World visitor centre

A new visitor and education centre, created by Bible Society on the edge of Lake Bala in North Wales, will be officially opened on Sunday 5 October.

8 love stories of biblical proportions

We love seeing how people respond to Scripture for the first time – so for Valentine's Day we asked Lucas Howe, a recent graduate who’d never read the Bible before, to look at some famous biblical romances and give us...
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