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Poetry Competition

Author: Bible Society, 20 September 2018

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Ahead of National Poetry Day on 4 October, we're inviting you to write a poem on the theme of 'change' to be in with a chance of winning a copy of Prayers, Texts and Tears.

Did you know that the Bible is full of poetry? From the prophets, to Psalms to Song of Songs, biblical writers have use poetic language to express love, loss, pain and praise. 

We're inviting you to submit poems on the theme of 'change' inspired by a theme, verse or story in the Bible. Poems can take any form and must be no longer than 1,000 words. 

To enter our poetry competition email your poem and the theme, verse or passage that inspired you to [email protected] no later than midday on Wednesday 3 October. We'll announce and publish the winning poem to celebrate National Poetry Day on 4 October.* 

The winner will receive a copy of Dai Woolridge's Prayers, Texts and Tears. Find out more about Dai's poetry and what inspired the poems in his book.

*Terms and Conditions apply.

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