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Pray for Israel and Gaza

Author: Bible Society, 12 October 2023

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Smoke rises from Israeli strikes as rockets are fired from Gaza towards Israel. Photo credit: Reuters/Mohammed Salem

Bible Societies in the Holy Land have asked for prayer in the wake of the terror attack on Israel and the ensuing attack on Hamas in Gaza. 

The Bible Societies in the region serve their different communities but work closely together under the umbrella of the United Bible Societies. 

Victor Kalisher, Executive Director of the Bible Society in Israel, said: ‘Our staff is safe, but the situation is very tense. After yesterday when Hamas terrorists entered Jewish towns and kidnapped people, many are in a state of shock. One of our staff was called for army duty. Some rockets fell very close to us. However, all of us are safe and thank you for your prayers.’

Jordan has sent humanitarian aid to Gaza, which is under Israeli attack. Photo credit: Reuters/Jehad Shelbak

Nashat Filmon, General Secretary of the Palestinian Bible Society, said: ‘The situation is bad, and we are sadly and suddenly in wartime. It is heartbreaking to see and hear the number of casualties. Please pray for us all and for our team everywhere and for their families especially the ones in Gaza. Also, for a soon end for this war. May God have mercy.’

Dina Katanacho, Director of the Arab Israeli Bible Society, said: ‘My staff have not come to work today. They are afraid. There are no cars in the streets, no schools, no universities. Everyone is at home. We are told to purchase food and water for a whole week. It might be even more. There are serious things happening. May God have mercy on all of us.’

You can write a prayer for Israel and Gaza here.

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