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Prayers are said for South Sudan

Author: Hazel Southam, 29 September 2016

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Dr James Mageria prays for South Sudan at ABLI. Photography by Clare Kendall.

As the ABLI conference in Nairobi, Kenya, came to an end today, prayers were said for South Sudan. 

Four South Sudanese MPs and the head of the Bible Society in that country attended the forum. 

The world's youngest country has been wracked by conflict almost since its inception in 2011. Civil war killed thousands and made millions homeless between 2013-15. 

Since then a shaky peace has held, at least in the capital Juba. But earlier this week rebel forces and government troops attacked each other once again bringing fears of a full-blown military confrontation. 

For more, see The Big Interview with the South Sudanese MP, the Hon Anne Lino Wuor Abyei.

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