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Prayers for Ukraine as civilians suffer

Author: Bible Society, 4 March 2022

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‘Pray for humanitarian corridors to be established’. That is the appeal today from the Bible Society in Ukraine.  

A spokesman said, ‘Please pray for safe corridors to be established very soon In Kherson and Kharkiv, so that inhabitants can receive the necessary food and medicines.’ 

The call came after the south-east city of Kherson was taken over by Russian military forces.  

The Bible Society reports that all its staff in Kharkiv are safe, though they are living in bomb shelters ‘under constant shelling’. 

In the western town of Lviv, close to the border with Poland, Bible Society staff are working with churches and volunteers to ‘provide spiritual support along with physical aid’ to hundreds of thousands of people arriving from the rest of the country.  

Church leaders gathered at St Sophia’s Cathedral yesterday to pray for peace. Though many were fearful that the cathedral could be destroyed by bombardments at any time, they were, the spokesman said, ‘thankful for God’s grace and presence over the week. We are thankful that the Lord gives us another day.’ 

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