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Psalm 72 and the Platinum Jubilee

Author: Mark Woods, 30 May 2022

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Is this a psalm for The Queen?

The Bible doesn't have much to say about queens; most rulers of Israel and Judah were kings, and most of them weren't remembered kindly. ‘So-and-so did evil in the sight of the LORD’ is a constant refrain.

One of the psalms, however, is a hymn to an ideal monarch. Psalm 72 lays out the qualities a king ought to have: he should rule with justice, help the poor and defeat their oppressors. He should ‘be like rain on the fields, like showers falling on the land’, a rescuer of the needy who has pity on the weak and poor. And the consequence of having a righteous king is that the land is blessed and God is glorified.

In Bible times, monarchs had real power. Today, The Queen's role is ceremonial and symbolic. She influences rather than commands, and it is her ministers who govern.

In these divisive times, we are inclined to be critical of those who rule over us; we know they are only human, and we tend not to look to them as examples to follow. Throughout her reign of 70 years and counting, though, there has been a deep sense that we are very blessed to have the Queen we have. Support for the institution of monarchy has ebbed and flowed – of course – but The Queen has retained the universal respect of her people. She is admired for her sense of duty; for her devotion to her country; for her wide experience of politics and politicians; for her personal kindness, of which so many stories are told, and for her grace under pressure. She, like all of us, has known her share of trouble and sadness; monarchy does not insulate kings and queens from heartbreak, and we feel that in this, she is one of us.

At the heart of her character, by which our nation has been so much blessed, is her personal Christian faith. As the Supreme Governor of the Church of England she is very often called upon to attend church services of one kind or another. But she doesn't just go through the motions of faith; it's real to her. We know that she prays, reads her Bible and attends church even when she is not required to. She has spoken powerfully and movingly about what her faith means to her and about how she tries to follow the example of Jesus.

She has been the Patron of Bible Society since the beginning of her reign, and donates to our work each year from the Privy Purse, funds under her personal control. These, too, are indications of how her faith is worked out in her life.

Bible Society is deeply grateful for her personal support, and for this public acknowledgement of the importance of Scripture from the person who, more than anyone else, embodies our country's history, identity and values.

As we read Psalm 72, we catch again the sense of gratitude expressed by the psalmist for a monarch whose heart reflects the heart of God; who's devoted to her people; and who has a strong sense of justice.

The Queen has our thanks for what she has done during the last 70 years, and our prayers for her future. We thank God for the example she has been to us, and the service she has given.

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