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‘Raise your voice for justice,’ says Ukrainian Bible Society

Author: Hazel Southam, 28 February 2022

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Photo: Lucy North/Reuters

‘Raise your voice for justice, for truth.’ That is the appeal today from the Ukrainian Bible Society, calling on people around the world to pray for peace.

Anatoliy Raychynets from the Ukrainian Bible Society said, ‘Don’t be silent. Sincere thanks to many nations for mass actions in support of Ukraine. Pray and act!’

His call came after a weekend in which anti-war demonstrators protested for peace around the world.

In the UK thousands joined rallies including outside the Russian embassy and in Trafalgar Square (pictured), as well as in Manchester and Edinburgh.

A day of prayer was held yesterday across the UK for peace in the Ukraine. In a joint letter last week, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York said, ‘We lament with the people of Ukraine and we pray for the innocent, the frightened and those who have lost loved ones, homes and family.’

The Bible Society team in Ukraine reported seeing clouds in the form of an angel during heavy bombardment.

Rostik, spokesman for the Ukraine Bible Society, said, ‘Everyone is safe and are expressing huge thanks for all your prayers. Please keep praying.’

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