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Rediscovering a God who cares

Author: Hazel Southam, 17 May 2016

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When Saraa fled the war in Syria, she thought God had abandoned her family. Since receiving Bible-based trauma healing care, she's rediscovered a God who cares. 

Saraa, 30, lives in one room with her six children. She weeps as she recalls leaving her parents behind in Syria. ‘My children had been greatly affected by the war, so I decided to bring them to Jordan so that they could see better days,’ she says.

For years, she had pretended to her young children that the explosions they heard were fireworks and that they had nothing to worry about.

‘The straw that broke the camel’s back was when they bombed the house next door and I couldn’t pretend anymore,’ she says. Alone in Jordan, she found herself ‘broken and aggressive’.

‘God will get us through this in the end’

But then Saraa came across the trauma healing programme being run by Bible Society. Now, she says, she’s able to cope better thanks to the trauma healing course. ‘It affected me greatly, just knowing how to deal with my anger.

‘At first we used to ask God, “Why are you leaving us? Why are you putting us through this?” But I’ve learned that God will get us through this in the end. He cares for us.’

Join us in praying for Saraa and others like her by adding a prayer to our interactive tree

Find out more about the trauma healing programme that uses the Bible, science and mental health practices to help people like Saraa, Wedad and Zubaida.

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