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Richard is running for Bibles

Author: James Howard-Smith, 8 September 2023

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Richard Fairchild, a university lecturer from Bristol, has adapted the Bike for Bibles challenge to run, instead of cycle, a biblical distance and raise money to bring the power of Scripture into more lives.

During September he’ll cover seven miles, seven times over. If your arithmetic is sharp you’ll know that’s a total of 49 miles. But more importantly, if you love the Bible like Richard does, you’ll know it’s the sevens that count here.

The number seven has all kinds of biblical significance. In terms of miles, though, it’s the distance between Jerusalem and Emmaus, meaning Richard will follow in the footsteps of the two disciples who met Jesus on the road. Luke’s Gospel tells the amazing story of a mysterious mobile Bible study in which the resurrected Jesus ‘explained to them what was said about himself in all the Scriptures, beginning with the books of Moses and the writings of all the prophets’ (Luke 24.27, GNB).

Richard’s story: Alpha to Emmaus

Richard’s passion to share the Bible is a new thing in his life. ‘My wife and I did Alpha last year and found our faith’, he says. ‘Now we go regularly to our local church. It’s helped me enjoy the good times and get through some tough times. We get so much out of church that I found I wanted to give something back. I saw Bike for Bibles and realised this was ideal. I don’t ride a bike, but I am a runner!’

At the time of writing, Richard has clocked up about 20 miles and raised £75 (enough for 14 Bibles!) towards his £500 target. The late summer heatwave is making it tougher than he expected, so he says he’s starting slow. On his JustGiving page, he’s sharing a running diary, which so far shows a walking start, building up to some good runs. He says he’ll soon be running regularly and he’s encouraged by the support he’s already received. 

Richard loves Psalm 139

About the Bible, Richard says: ‘I really enjoy reading and studying God’s word. My favourite book is Psalms, and my favourite psalm is one of the first I read last year, Psalm 139. The beautiful message of that psalm has really stayed with me.’ When it comes to running, he’s got Philippians 4.13 in mind. ‘I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength.’

If you’d like to give your support to Richard, or sign up for Bike for Bibles yourself, your run or ride (or climb or swim) will change lives by sharing the Bible. Every £100 raised through your efforts could translate a chapter of the Bible into one of China’s minority languages or provide 20 Bibles for a women’s study group in Nazareth.

Discover Bike for Bibles

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