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Steve Jobs, Johnny Ive and Apple: Reading the New Testament with Leading Edge Designers

Author: Bible Society, 26 July 2017

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Join us and LICC for a great evening exploring how the Bible gives insights for creativity at work. 

Steve Jobs, Johnny Ive and Apple: Reading the New Testament with Leading Edge Designers
18:30- 20:30 Wednesday 6 September 2017
London Institute for Contemporary Christianity, Vere Street, London, W1G 0DQ

We sometimes read Scripture as a rule book or a collection of uplifting or wise aphorisms, but what if Scripture presupposes design, and is written for a people commissioned to design the world to God’s glory? Hear how an aeronautical engineer – and musician – became a leading New Testament theologian and began seeing Scripture in a radically new paradigm with huge implications for whole life discipleship.

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About Rikk 

Rikk E. Watts is Dean of Theology at Alphacrucis College in Sydney, Australia and was previously Research Professor of New Testament at Regent College, Vancouver.

Initially trained as an aeronautical engineer, Rikk worked for a number of years with IBM in large retail systems engineering while undertaking a degree in philosophy, art history, and sociology. He later joined a parachurch organization engaged in Christian awareness projects in public schools and in providing crisis accommodation and various rehabilitation programs for the urban poor. He was a founding member of On Being, a major Australian Christian magazine, and supported himself and his family as a professional drummer. 

In addition to Alphacrucis and Regent, Rikk has served as an instructor at Gordon-Conwell (Boston), Wycliffe Hall (Oxford), Latrobe University (Melbourne), and the Bible College of Victoria (Melbourne). Rikk Watts is married to Katie, a primary teacher, and they have two adult children, Steven and Rebecca. In addition to an obsession with sailing, he enjoys movies, good restaurants, music, reading, and going for long walks with Katie.

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