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The power of the Bible in sport

Author: Helen Crawford, 5 August 2016

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Photo credit: Pakistan Bible Society

In Pakistan, where religious tensions can be high, sport is creating a safe space for people to come together – and to discover the Bible.


Photo credit: Pakistan Bible Society

Sports! Win, lose or draw, a game has power to do great things. As Nelson Mandela said,

‘Sport has the power to unite people in a way little else can. It breaks down racial barriers, it laughs in the face of all kinds of discrimination. Sport speaks to people in a way they can understand.’

In Pakistan – where interreligious relations can be fraught – our colleagues are seeing sport bring people together.

‘In the context of friendly sporting events, people from different backgrounds come together for a positive purpose,’ says Irfan, our sports coordinator in Pakistan.


Photo credit: Pakistan Bible Society

The team also find it a brilliant way to show people the positive power of the Bible. ‘The Bible Society team share a lesson from the Bible when they gather, looking at a sports-related theme,’ he explains.

At these events, they’ve explored perseverance self-control, humility, perseverance, leadership and confidence, to name just a few.  

And it’s making a difference. ‘Through this strategy we have seen behavioural changes in many sportsmen,’ Irfan says.

This year the team celebrated their 15th Annual Sporting Event, a day of sporting competitions which began with interfaith harmony matches.

After 15 years, the work is as strong as ever. We’re so grateful for the power of sport and the fantastic work of our colleagues in Pakistan.

Find out about more of our work in Pakistan.

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