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Ukrainian soldiers treat Bible like ‘a life-saver’

Author: Hazel Southam, 9 June 2022

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A Ukrainian military commander has said that his troops treat the Bible like ‘a life-saver’.

Since the war broke out more than 90 days ago, we have been making the Bible available to soldiers as well as civilians in Ukraine.

Recently, Serhii, the commander of a military unit, told our colleagues in Ukraine how vital the Bible is to his troops. He said, ‘It is very important for soldiers to have the Bible. Things are very tough at times and many soldiers are praying to God.

‘They may have never attended a church before. They may not have believed in God before. But now they are turning to him. Many of them treat the Bible as a life-saver.

‘It’s hard to explain it, but I have a friend, an officer. He also received a Bible from our chaplain. Sometimes he faces situations that seem to be desperate. He turns to the Bible….and he says, “You wouldn’t believe it. Every time I find an answer. The Bible has a way out! I do as the Bible says and everything works well.”’

Serhii added, ‘So, for those people who are facing enormous pressures on the frontlines, who experience hardship, both physical and moral, when they have this Bible in their pocket, when it gets very hard, a soldier can open it and find words that he needs to hear at that very moment. It is very important. Thank you!’

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