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Update from Gaza

Author: Bible Society, 10 November 2023

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In devastating circumstances, mission teams in the Bible Lands are committed to their mission of providing aid, comfort and spiritual guidance to the people in the region. 

Teams serving in Gaza and the West Bank, in Arab-majority Galilee and among Jews and others throughout Israel continue to work steadfastly to make a positive difference by sharing the Bible and meeting humanitarian needs.

Both Bible Society offices in Gaza have been caught in airstrikes. Just this week, the building that housed the surviving office was completely demolished in another attack. Two staff members have been wounded and another two have lost their homes to bombardment.

Nashat Filmon’s dedicated Bible team has been actively involved in relief efforts, continuing their support for Christians in the area, even as they suffer tragedies themselves. ‘We formed a crisis team,’ Nashat says. ‘We’re monitoring the situation and trying to provide as much help as possible. We are in daily contact with local and church leaders in the Gaza Strip and have maintained an open line of communication with them and will continue doing so.’ 

This crisis team has been leading relief activities at the request of key church leaders, providing essential supplies to the people in need. The outreach extends beyond physical necessities to include a social media campaign to offer spiritual and emotional support. 

This response is urgently needed as the situation becomes dire for Christians in Gaza. Eighteen people are known to have been killed when part of the Church of Saint Porphyrius collapsed after having by hit by a missle. Church compounds are serving as sanctuaries for people whose homes have been destroyed or rendered unsafe.

Nashat says, ‘We’ll continue to be a living testimony and stand with the body of Christ and the Church during this tough time.’ 

All three teams working throughout the Bible Lands can do more with your support. Will you pray for God to multiply their courageous efforts and donate today to put the Bible into another person’s hands

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