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Update from Israel

Author: Bible Society, 17 November 2023

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More than a month on from the horrifying attacks by Hamas, Israeli society remains traumatised. With your support, we’re reaching out with God’s love. Here’s how.

Victor Kalisher, a Jewish follower of Jesus, leads Bible Society in Israel, sharing Scripture throughout the country. He and his team, based in Jerusalem, serve Israel’s Hebrew-speaking majority as well as various minority groups. Now, in this crisis, they’re providing scriptures, comfort and essential supplies to people who have lost their loved ones and homes.

Israel’s Bible workers are part of their local communities and suffering alongside them. The manager of the Bible Society shop in Haifa has been called up to serve in the military and others are seeing their children sent to fight Hamas. Victor, having just finished a video conference, said: ‘Each of the staff gave updates on their personal situation and shared prayer requests. It was a very encouraging and comforting time for all of us. We need each other!’

The aim of this crisis outreach is to be a testimony to the love of Christ. They’re fostering unity among believers from different backgrounds, joining and leading gatherings for prayer and support. As rockets continue to rain down on the frightened populations of Israeli cities, the Bible Society team has emerged as a source of support and comfort.

Bible Society is also an organisation that can reach out across a divided land. Victor has met and prayed with Arab Christians. ‘It was a very special time in which we all prayed together and praised God together,’ he said. ‘We encouraged each other and confirmed and testified the love and unity of Christ.

‘We all prayed together for the salvation of both nations, for those who were kidnapped by Hamas, for the peace to be restored and for those who are suffering. We prayed for wisdom and guidance to all of us as leaders in the land in this situation.’

Scripture resources

Victor and his team are reaching out in all directions with God’s word. Here are some of the Scripture resources that your support enables them to share.

  • Pocket Bibles for soldiers and young people
  • A special messianic edition of the Psalms in which the prophetic verses about the Messiah are marked in red
  • Children's Bibles and Scripture resources with activities
  • The new Modern Hebrew Translation of the Old Testament 
  • Bilingual Bibles (especially the newly produced Hebrew-Portuguese diglot for the Messianic Jewish-Portuguese community)

A large print run of Bibles is being prepared as the team anticipates more people seeking God, through his word, for hope, guidance and salvation.

Find about more about Bible mission in the Holy Land, including how we’re reaching the devastated people of Gaza. You can also share your prayer for peace and healing in the region with other supporters of Bible mission. And don’t forget it’s your donations providing the Bibles and aid that Victor and his fellow mission leaders are sharing.

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