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‘We are safe’: news from the front line in Ukraine

Author: Hazel Southam, 28 February 2022

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A Ukrainian refugee at a temporary camp in Poland. Photo: Yara Nadi/Reuters

Ukrainian Bible Society spokesman Rostik reports.

‘All Ukrainian Bible Society staff are safe, [our] offices and warehouses too. Last night there were less bombings, yet there are lots of saboteur groups who disguise themselves as Ukrainian military, medical personnel and rescuers and trying to capture hostages or cause destructions. So, the Ukrainian military were mopping them up in many cities and requested civilians to stay home.

‘Lots of people are staying in bomb shelters all day due to frequent air raid alarms, especially in Kyiv and Kharkiv and they often lack food, water and medicines.

‘Large amounts of people are moving from eastern, southern and northern areas of the country towards western Ukraine, so the local churches are actively helping them by providing shelter, food and clothes. The western branch of the Bible Society is actively involved to provide Scriptures. However, their stock is rapidly diminishing.

‘Anatoliy Raychynets, our Deputy General Secretary, who stays at the Kyiv office, received a special pass from the military in order to freely move across the city during the curfew. With a small team and together with church volunteers and chaplains, they are trying to assist those in need: bringing food, clothes, medicines and Bibles to people in bomb shelters; arranging evacuation to families; collecting and sending supplies for the military and so on. We had some audio devices with Scriptures and they have been extremely helpful.

‘As the amount of Ukrainians seeking refuge in the neighbouring countries is growing and local churches and Christian organisations are actively responding, we have had several conversations with Bible Societies in these countries trying to see how best to supply Scriptures to them.

‘Our Western branch is working with pastors at the borders to send Scriptures there and then have them shipped across the border. The situation is complicated with borders currently overfilled with people, so we are currently thinking of alternative ways, including digital.

‘Please continue praying for peace in our country.’

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