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‘We bring light in the darkness,’ Ukraine Bible Society tell Premier TV

Author: Bible Society, 16 May 2022

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Anatoliy speaks of God’s presence and protection, as well as a hunger for the Bible amidst the horror and heartache in Ukraine.

‘We are bringing light into the darkness,’ says Anatoliy from the Bible Society of Ukraine, in this amazing interview on Premier Christian TV.

Anatoliy shares how he and the Bible Society team are doing all they can to help on the frontline, supporting and ministering to people whose lives have been shattered.

‘I have personally delivered several thousands of Bibles from hand to hand’ Anatoliy says. Nobody is refusing the Bibles, instead they are asking, ‘Where do I start reading? I’ve never read the Bible before.’ And later, ‘Thank you so much. God touched me!’

Before the war, he says, John 1.1–5 ‘was special’ to him, as it spoke of the light coming into the darkness. Now, he says, he knows that he and his colleagues at Bible Society are called ‘to bring that light’ into the darkness of war-torn Ukraine. 

Watch the full interview, which starts 27 minutes and 15 seconds in to the programme, Sunday Night Live with Pam Rhodes.

Watch now

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